Meet our Summer 2020 Aliento Interns!
Every summer, we host interns who are extremely driven and passionate about social justice issues. This summer, we are excited to welcome 9 interns from all over the nation to the Aliento team. We have interns from California, Colorado, Florida, Massachusetts, and Arizona! Our summer interns work with us over the course of 9 weeks and take on a range of tasks and projects. The Aliento interns have been working hard with us these past few weeks, and we can’t wait to see what they accomplish this summer and beyond! We asked our interns why they were excited to intern with Aliento this summer. Here is what they had to say:
At Aliento, we believe that youth should be at the forefront of our immigrant rights fight here in AZ and beyond. Our internships aim to empower the youth of today by giving them the opportunity to create the change of tomorrow. If you would like to join this passionate team of change makers, our Fall Deadline is August 2, 2020.