Over 120 Students arrived at the AZ Capitol
Last week, we brought over 120 students to the Arizona Capitol, thanking our elected officials for voting on SCR 1044, in-state tuition for Dreamers! We had students from highschools all over the valley and all 3 state universities!
Back in 2021, with the leadership of our Aliento Fellows, the Arizona legislature approved SCR1044, a ballot referral that will ask AZ voters in 2022 to decide whether DREAMers should qualify for in-state tuition and scholarships. Currently, undocumented students have to pay out-of-state tuition rates.
If passed, DREAMers who have lived in Arizona for more than two years and graduated from an AZ high school can be eligible for in-state tuition rates and state-funded scholarships.
We are so proud of our Aliento Fellows who worked so hard for this day. We’ve had students from Mesa High School, Carl Hayen, Borphy, to Xavier. Below is a list of schools being represented.
Our students met with over 40 elected officials in-person, outside, and virtually!
Our student’s impact was featured on FOX10 News!
Donate to our Education Awareness campaign!
In-state tuition will be on the ballot this year and we will need all the help we can in order to reach the entire state of Arizona! Donate $10,$25,$50,$100,$250, or $500 today!
Thank you for your support!
Aliento Team