Relief Fund for Mixed-Status Families by Aliento

02-22-2020 - AH Piedritas de Amor_4064.jpg

Relief Fund for Mixed-Status Families by Aliento

In an effort to provide relief and support to mixed-status families, we are raising $50,000 to cover costs of rent + utilities of those in need who were left out from the stimulus package. $50,000 will enable us to help continue helping families with $500 support checks for rent and/or utilities.

Our team has been working around the clock to create a special tracking system and donate 100% of the fundraised money directly to mixed-status families. Aliento’s initial goal was to support 50 mixed status and immigrant families, but through the contributions made by the community, a local and a national partner, we surpassed our original goal. Now, we are looking to support 225 families and are currently in communication with the second wave to get money in the hands of 125 more families. We have created an internal rubric to match the great need.

Now more than ever, your contributions are critical in ensuring mixed-status families have a roof over their head, can keep their lights on and have food on their table. We know that economic uncertainty leads to a deterioration of mental health and affects the home ecosystem of our families.

Will you pitch, $10, $50, $100 and help us provide relief to 50 mixed status families?

Need support?

If you are are part of a mixed-status/undocumented family in Arizona, or if you know anyone in Arizona who has been left out of the stimulus package have them fill out this survey: