Aliento Features: Priscila Romero

Tell us about yourself.

Hello! My name is Priscila Romero. I am a 21 year old paving my way through higher education. Currently, I am finishing off my third year at Arizona State University. For the past years, I have been studying the systems of government analyzing how law and politics are intertwined; along with the components of Spanish literature and linguistics. Soon I will have my Bachelors in Political Science and Spanish. My college journey would not have been possible without the sacrifices of my immigrant family. Being a first generation Latina in a mixed-status household comes with many challenges, however my determination to fulfill my career goals and passions have been a strong motivating factor in my journey. 

Why does the work we are doing matter to you?

I am committed to the fight for in-state tuition for all, especially for those who resonate with my cousin. My cousin Jared is one of the many DACA recipients who has lived in Arizona his whole life. He was an exemplary high school student. Took all honors classes and achieved the best grades possible, but all his hard work was not enough to qualify for scholarships and in-state tuition at his dream school, Arizona State University. In order for my cousin to have a shot at a higher education, he has to pay out-of-state tuition which is triple the amount any other Arizona native would have to pay. The worry of having to save up enough money to pay for tuition, books, and materials that are needed are a daily challenge that Jared and students in his situation face. Being a DACA receipt and navigating through the higher education system has added unbearable stress since Jared now has to work extra hours in order to save up for university expenses. However, he is only one student out of many individuals who face the same challenges. Equal access to in-state tuition has the potential of opening the door for opportunity for high school graduates in the state of Arizona. 

How has the work we have done impacted you? 

Through this work I have built long lasting friendships with students, fellows, and Aliento staff. I am inspired by every narrative and motivated to keep fighting for a brighter future where all students have access to in-state tuition regardless of status. At Aliento we like to close the space with something you are leaving and something you are taking from the space. After this fellowship I will be leaving the self-doubt I had starting off this opportunity and taking with me a sense of community and drive to continue to advocate for all my fellow students who have struggled navigating through the higher education system simply because of their status. I take with me gratitude and learnings from this fellowship. Being a fellow of this cohort has been an eye opening experience to the background work that goes into planning and executing an event. I am most proud of our Education Day 2022 event. Having students lead and facilitate meetings with legislators was a fulfilling experience. It is not often that you get to see over 200 students gathered at the State Capitol advocating for issues that hit close to home. It gives me hope that there is a brighter future for all of us and the generations to come!

Would you recommend this fellowship? Why?

I would highly recommend this fellowship to anyone who seeks to advocate for undocumented, DACA, and mixed-status families in the journey for higher education. This fellowship is a rich learning experience, there is so much to learn in order to fulfill the mission of the fellowship. It is the perfect opportunity for goal driven individuals who want to gain experience in the field of advocacy and develop leadership skills. Those who participate will be guided by the amazing Aliento staff 100% of the way. 

What’s next for you?

Next up is finishing college! I have one more semester to go and I will be the first college graduate in my family. I could not be more excited for the day to come. In the meantime, I will be focusing on fulfilling my passions and enjoying every last bit of my college experience. Next stop after that will be law school!


Aliento Features: Bryanda Moreno Verdugo


1st Generation, DACA Recipient & a The Dream.US Scholar - Fighting Barriers toward Medical School