Aliento relaunches Arizona’s Future Campaign

Immigration status should never get in the way of education.

Over 15 years ago, Prop 300 was enacted in the state of Arizona creating mighty financial barriers for Arizona’s undocumented and DACA students to pursue a higher education.

Prop 300 denies access to publicly funded scholarships and in-state tuition to Arizona students simply because of their immigration status.

There are over 2,000 dreamers who graduate from Arizona high schools every year and Prop 300 is putting their dreams on hold. Currently over 65,000 Arizona dreamers would be eligible for in-state tuition and publicly funded scholarships without Prop 300.

That is why today we are asking you to join the Arizona's Future campaign, #EducatedAF. EducatedAF is a campaign demanding access to in-state tuition for all Arizona high school graduates, regardless of immigration status.

You can join us today by taking one simple action : SIGN OUR PLEDGE!

We need your help to ensure thousands of students in Arizona have access to an equitable education.


SCR1044 In-State Tuition for All Arizona High-School Graduates Passes the Senate


Arizona Senate Education Committee Passes Bill SCR1044 In-State Tuition for Arizona Dreamers