BREAKING: Prop. 308 passes!

Prop. 308: In-state tuition for Dreamers is projected to pass! The race was called by AZ Central! This is a transformative change for immigrant youth all over the state of Arizona! This is also a historical moment for Arizona! We showed that our state is a place of equal opportunity for all students regardless of immigration status.

We are so proud of all the hard work our fellows, interns, volunteers, & allies put into this campaign over the past four years. In 2018, we launched our campaign for tuition equity for Dreamers. We know that hard work pays off and we have changed a lot of hearts & minds of Arizonans! These past few days have been nerve-racking for us, thank you for not giving up on us!

We still have a long road ahead of us, from fleshing out the details to educating our community about this educational opportunity. Today, we celebrate the long days and nights, all the doors we knocked, all the phone calls we made, all the banners we painted, all the planning, all the designing, and all the work over the last few years. This year alone, we educated over 65,000 Arizona voters on Prop. 308, and we owe it to all of our team, interns, fellows, and volunteers. Today, we celebrate ourselves and the 2,000 Dreamers who graduate from high schools every year who will have an opportunity towards achieving their educational dreams!


Aliento's Statement on the passage of Prop. 308


"Vote Yes on Prop. 308"- President Obama