Aliento Statement on New DACA Federal Court Ruling

Mesa, Arizona – Aliento Founder & Executive Director Reyna Montoya issued the following statement today on a new DACA federal court ruling:

“Judge Bates reaffirms that the administration ended the popular DACA program rashly and without reason. Thousands of undocumented youth could in 90 days if DHS doesn’t provide sufficient information for terminating the program. Ultimately, congress must pass a bipartisan solution for DACA recipients and undocumented youth. It's stressful to live your life on two year increments, waiting for the federal courts to decide whether you are worthy of staying in the country you call home. ”


Aliento is a community organization that is undocumented and youth-led. We are directly impacted people who are invested in the well being, emotional healing, and leadership development of those impacted by the inequalities of lacking an immigration status. #DACA #Dreamers #Immigration #Immigrants


Response to Speaker Ryan’s Immigration Proposal


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