In the Press
Congratulations To Our Founder!
We would like to announce that our very own founder, Reyna E. Montoya, was chosen as a Echoing Green 2017 fellow! We are so proud!
Hidden Secrets on my Sleeves
Even with all these secrets, my nieveness and my hakuna matata style of looking at life yielded me from realizing that I felt shame and embarrassment for being both undocumented and gay
My Experience Joining Aliento!
There were also younger people than me who share their knowledge, pain and their very own strength. I wasn’t alone, my sister wasn’t alone!
January 27th, just a week after Trump takes office, Aliento has invited Stephanie Camba , AKA SoulTree CambaNationOfThings , to perform songs that explore the depth, nuance and intersectionality of human-undocumented experience.
El 27 de Enero, apenas una semana después de que Trump asuma el cargo como President, Aliento ha invitado a Stephanie Camba, conocida como SoulTree CambaNationOfThings, a realizar canciones que exploran la profundidad, el matiz y la interseccionalidad de la experiencia humana-indocumentada.