In the Press
The Radio Station that Latino Voters Trust
Palazuelos, who is twenty-two, chimed in: “Saúl and I, we’re both Dreamers and we don’t have the power to vote, but what we can do is ask people to cast their ballot with our community in mind.”
Almost 25% of Gen Zers are the children of immigrants. How do they see the election?
Abril Valenzuela, the youngest in her family, is the only U.S. citizen among her undocumented relatives in Arizona. The article describes her experience growing up alongside undocumented cousins and the importance she places on voting after witnessing the challenges faced by her family.
Opinion: Proposition 314 dredges up Arizona's darkest immigration days. Reject it
Proposition 314 would intensify fear in the immigrant community, impact health care and education and undermine public safety. Why go there again?
Spotify: America Votes: Stories from the Arizona border, its politics and its people
In the dead of night, charity workers head into the Arizona desert, with food and water for migrants trying to cross into the U.S. Not far away, a rancher says the people he sees constantly crossing his land are criminals.
2024 Seeking Justice in AZ with Reyna Montoya Presentation
Issues of immigration represent a significant space in our current political climate. Jose Patino, Vice President of Education and External Affairs, from Aliento will be speaking to the challenges faced by immigrant youth in the US, specifically DACA students.
Au coeur de la crise migratoire
L'Amérique fracturée : au coeur de la crise migratoire en Arizona. Notre équipe a rencontré les "coyotes", des passeurs payés par les cartels pour guider les immigrants illégaux du Mexique aux États-Unis.
Across party lines, stakeholders worry about the impact of border security Prop 314
Sent to voters by GOP lawmakers, Prop 314 would enact a host of new regulations under the umbrella of border security. But despite polling showing broad voter support, there is opposition across the political aisle for both economic and social reasons.
My View: Proposition 314 would reopen chilling chapter of Arizona history
Two Arizona nonprofit leaders express their opposition to Proposition 314 that is on the Nov. 5 ballot, saying that it would spark another nationwide backlash, just as the so-called "Show Me Your Papers Act" that was signed into law in 2010.
Advocacy group says FAFSA glitches hurt Arizona students with undocumented parents
A revamped version of FAFSA — the federal form students use to apply for college loans and grants — has caused problems for students across the country, including those from families with mixed immigration status.
Judge Andrew Hanen Declares Biden’s DACA Rule Unlawful
Judge Andrew Hanen expands the original injunction of the DACA program to cover Biden’s effort to codify the policy with the final rule DACA. Initial applications are closed. Over 100,000 Dreamers are stuck at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as they cannot process their applications.
Exhibición de arte de Aliento
“Reimaginando Nuestro Futuro, Renovación y Resiliencia”, destaca a jóvenes inmigrantes
El voto latino sí cuenta; debe ser consciente y bien informado para beneficio de tu comunidad
El foro comunitario “Voto latino: el mañana lo construimos hoy”, se realizó en el sur de Phoenix, con dos grupos de panelistas.
American Paradox
James Naughtie travels to Arizona to examine the deep roots of the current political moment in the United States.
Te invitamos al foro comunitario “Voto latino, el mañana lo construimos hoy”; no te lo pierdas
Arizona es el estado que será determinante con el voto latino en las elecciones generales del 5 de noviembre, ¿sabes cómo vas a votar? Si tienes dudas o quieres ampliar más la información con que cuentas, Conecta Arizona y 12News en Español, llevarán a cabo un foro pensado en la comunidad hispana y en el poder de su decisión en Estados Unidos.
‘I Am a Voter,’ ‘Morning Joe’ reveal this year’s inaugural cohort of Democracy Heroes’
The honorees are trailblazers, advocates, organizers and change makers around the U.S. who are ensuring all marginalized voters have a seat in our democracy.
Prop 308: Un catalizador para un mejor futuro
La Proposición 308 es un camino hacia la educación superior. La educación abre puertas a un mundo de oportunidades, siendo fundamental para la prosperidad económica y el bienestar de nuestras comunidades.
La Universidad: Un sueño alcanzable gracias a la asistencia federal FAFSA
Este año, el Departamento de Educación de EE. UU. cambió un poco el proceso. Este cambio facilitó el llenado de la FAFSA para algunos estudiantes y sus padres.